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Full View of the 11 Progressive Pride Canvases
Here's a view of the full set of canvases after they've been squared. I estimate that it takes 12-13 hours from start to finish: cutting the raw canvas, 2 prep coats with dry times, mounting to foam board, painting with dry time, application of gold splatter with dry time, removal from the foam boards and squaring the edges. Whew! But they are so shiny!
Squaring an Acrylic Canvas
One of my favorite parts! Cut off all of those rough edges!
Progressive Pride Painted Canvases
Painting the 11 colors represents 11-12 hours of work, including cutting the canvases, 2 coats of acrylic solution, mounting to foam boards and painting. I still need to splatter iridescent gold to really make them pop! I also painted 11 mini canvases. I'll be testing a silver splatter to see how it looks.
Applique Stitching the Progressive Pride Georgia Flag (8/22/24)
Here's another in my Behind the Scenes series, this time demonstrating the applique stitching progress of the Georgia flag
Behind the Progressive Pride Georgia Flags (8/21/24)
One of my favorite creations is the Progressive Pride themed state of Georgia shapes. I use these for several types of artwork, but they are primarily for the Y'all Means All series!
Applique Stitching Y'all Means All Fabric Artwork (8/18/24)
It's taken years to develop the skills necessary to applique words and letters onto fabric for my Y'all Means All artwork. It's a delicate and slow sewing process! I will also be building a series of Y'all Means All YouTube playlist.
Quilting a Baby Sea Turtle (5/8/2020)
I redesigned and shrunk the larger sea turtle design! I will be offering a number of these smaller sea turtles in the near future. You can follow along to see what goes into quilting these beauties.
Utility Stitched Flower (10/2/19)
I've been designing new decorative stitches mini landscapes. The centerpiece for this is a single large tree, but the tree is surrounded by flowers and other elements. This is a demo of a flower that I designed with various elongated stitches.
A broad collection of some of my artwork
This video is a compact selection of some of my artwork. It includes a few fabric-based wall hangings and a few that I have yet to release 'into the wild'
Another broad collection of some of my artwork/strong>
This video shows a complete line of my currently available artwork - it's kind of long!
Quilting the pineapple
I love quilting the pineapple pattern! This demonstrates the process I go through for quilting a basic pineapple.
Quilting the Big Boy
This is the largest acrylic pineapple that I've created. The quilting the pineapple clocks in at 30 minutes, quilting the entire piece ran closer to 1 hour 45 minutes.